What to consider before you purchase Florida Homeowners Insurance

Home Near Lake with Home Insurance in Tallahassee, FL

We spend our lifetimes saving and paying on our most expensive asset, our home.

It is important to take the time to make the best decision on your insurance placement as you are protecting this valuable asset.

First,  the financial stability and longevity of the insurance carrier.  
There are two main rating agencies and they are the A.M. Best and Demotech rating services.  How many years has this insurance company been writing home insurance in Florida?

The next factor includes a review of the quoted coverages. 
With the inflation on basic building materials such as wood and roofing materials, it is a good idea to review your dwelling limit of liability.

Due to the constant changes in the Florida local building codes, evaluate your Ordinance or Law coverage limit.

The last factor to review is the price.  
A cost-based decision can be very troublesome after a claim.  The cheapest cost may not result in adequate coverage.

We are available to assist with any specific questions, but please evaluate all of the factors before making this important decision.   After the claim, it is too late.

For Local Insurance Services,
Contact Pichard Insurance Agency today.