Unless you are really into insurance, you likely don’t think much about your auto insurance until something happens to your vehicle. It might be an accident with another vehicle, it might be a hit and run when your car is parked on the street, or it could be part of a tree that falls on your truck, but whatever the case is having the right auto insurance in Crawfordville, Havana, Monticello, Quincy, Tallahassee, or the surrounding areas is important. Before it’s too late, make the call to Pichard Insurance Agency and speak with our experienced agents who will work for you to get the right auto insurance for your needs.
Do You Know If You Are Covered?
This is a fear that many people have with their auto insurance. This is why you should schedule some time with your Pichard Insurance Agency contact to go over your insurance policy. Do you have the right coverages to handle the different kinds of incidents that could happen to your vehicle? In the above example with the hit-and-run incident, if you have uninsured motorist coverage that portion will likely cover the damages to your vehicle. But if you don’t have this as part of your auto insurance, you might be liable for all of the repair costs.
Another part of your auto insurance would be comprehensive coverage. This is to protect against theft and damage caused by an incident other than an accident. With the above example of part of the tree falling on your vehicle, comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance will likely cover the damages to your vehicle. Without this part of your auto insurance, you will again be in the position of likely having to pay for all repairs from your pocket. Having a meeting with one of our agents can help you make an informed decision on all possible coverages in your auto insurance.
Make Your Auto Insurance Work For You
It can be very tempting to want to have your auto insurance be as cheap as possible, and often this leads some people to cut portions of coverage. This can save people money in the short term, but it opens them up to much larger potential bills in the long term that they may not be prepared for. And this is what insurance is for, to help handle the unexpected incidents that we are unable to plan for in any other way. Don’t take a shortcut on your auto insurance in Crawfordville, Havana, Monticello, Quincy, Tallahassee, and the surrounding areas. Call your local agent from Pichard Insurance Agency and make sure you are fully covered today.